It's just the same as an amortization schedule, the only difference is we have an extra payment column in here. So I'm going to right click up here, I'm going to Insert and this here is going to be our extra payment amount. So the way we do this, let's just add in a column here. Otherwise, they're just going to apply it towards the next payment. Now a lot of times, if you want to make an extra payment towards the principal you have to contact your bank and specifically tell them that you'd like to apply an amount of money towards the principal. So, extra payments towards the principal. I wanted to show you how we can modify an amortization schedule to include additional payment. In a previous screencast, I showed you how we can make an amortization schedule. This course is unique in that the weekly assignments are completed in-application (i.e., on your own computer in Excel), providing you with valuable hands-on training.

To pass each module, you'll need to pass a mastery quiz and complete a problem solving assignment. The course is organized into 5 Weeks (modules). I hope for you to at least several times in the course say to yourself, "Wow, I hadn't thought of that before!" Given the wide range in experience and abilities of learners, the goal of the course is to appeal to a wide audience. This course is meant to be fun and thought-provoking. In this course (Part 2), you will: 1) learn advanced data management techniques 2) learn how to implement financial calculations in Excel 3) use advanced tools in Excel (Data Tables, Goal Seek, and Solver) to perform and solve "what-if" analyses 4) learn how to create mathematical predictive regression models using the Regression tool in Excel. This course is the second part of a three-part series and Specialization that focuses on teaching introductory through very advanced techniques and tools in Excel. By the end of this course, you will have the skills and tools to take on the project-based "Everyday Excel, Part 3 (Projects)". This course is aimed at intermediate users, but even advanced users will pick up new skills and tools in Excel. Building on concepts learned in the first course, you will continue to expand your knowledge of applications in Excel. "Everyday Excel, Part 2" is a continuation of the popular "Everyday Excel, Part 1".